Temperature monthly climatology for the Iberian Peninsula region, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, at 0.2º of horizontal spatial resolution and 33 vertical levels.
Salinity monthly climatology for the Iberian Peninsula region, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, at 0.2º of horizontal spatial resolution and 33 vertical levels.
Estimation of the mean daily discharge at the mouth of the main rivers flowing into Atlantic and Bay of Biscay. The dataset has rivers from Barbate (the southermost) to Odet (the northernmost). + info: Otero et al. (2010) "Climatology and reconstruction of runoff time series in northwest Iberia: influence in the shelf buoyancy budget off Ria de Vigo", Scientia Marina 74(2), 247-266.
Equatorial canyon and its relation to the Mid-Atlantic ridge and fracture zone of Fernando de Noronha
Geo-environmental Risk I. Prestige Campaign
Geological Survey for the extension of the Spanish continental shelf beyond 200 miles
Geophysical and geological reconnaissance of the continental margin NorIbérico
Cortical differentiation in the Western Betic-Alboran Basin (Béticas Occidentales-Cuenca de Alborán - BOCA). Structural image from a dense network of seismic profiles
Tectonics, structure and morphology of the Basins and Margins Alboran Sea and South Balearic
Carbon flow high productivity area: the western basin of the Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait, Antarctica.