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182 record(s)


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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    The major aims of Charles Darwin cruise 178 were to obtain: (i) 3D seismic imagery, video transects and swath bathymetry maps of mud volcanoes in the southern Gulf of Cadiz, (ii) video transects across suspected cold water coral reefs in the Alboran Sea, and (iii) 3D seismic imagery of submarine landslides in the Eivissa Channel, immediately east of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea. The cruise was in support of the EU Framework 6 'HERMES' project (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas). A total of four 3D seismic cubes and 10 successful video transects were completed. Live chemosynthetic communities found on one mud volcano in the Gulf of Cadiz appear to indicate active methane seepage. Images of gas-charged sediments in areas of submarine landsliding in the Eivissa Channel appear to indicate a direct linkage between landsliding and fluid escape.

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    Assessment of chemical contamination in coastal water masses (Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily canal), using artificial stations of mussels. The MYTILOS1 cruise aimed to utilize the RINBIO network methodology around the western Mediterranean, in the northern part of the NW Basin. Experiments run in the French Mediterranean since 1996 by IFREMER were to be extended to Southern Mediterranean coasts, i.e. Spanish, Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian coasts, as well as the Sicily Canal in Italy, on the basis of a standardized protocol. The data from MYTILOS2 cruise will supplement those obtained in 2004 and 2005 during the RINBIOC1 and MYTILOS1 cruises by including the coasts of North Africa, Southern Spain and the island of Pantelleria. In addition, the results will be used to complement the chemical contamination budget drawn up in the framework of the European Water Framework Directive's implementation. This falls under the 'MEDICIS' project.

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    SHOM cruise aboard the Pourquoi Pas?

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    Carbon fluxes mediated by plankton in an oligotrophic

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    The African connection in the waters of the Canary Current

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    Exploration of deep-sea fisheries in the fishing grounds of Morocco, within the framework of cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

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    Identifying possible bioconstructions and other geo-morphological structures of interest. Biological fish studies and hidrographic sampling (CTD) over the seamounts