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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    CTD data in the Flemish Cap area

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    The aim of this cruise was to develop a better understanding of carbon cycling in the pelagic waters of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP). There were three objectives: 1) Turnaround moorings at the PAP Observatory; 2) Conduct a 1-D time series on the central station of a wide range of biogeochmical processes and to back this up with a mesoscale survey of key variables; 3) To trial the use of Autosub for mesoscale surveys in conjuction with the ship. All objectives were met, although the tops of the moorings were found to be missing probably due to fishing activity and the Autosub trials were incomplete due to vehicle failure. A full mesoscale survey was carried out using the ship and an eleven day time series at the central station was achieved. Friday 23 June [JD174] Scientific party met at 13:00 to agree work plans. The Master gave welcome & safety talk at 15:00. We sailed at 18:00 after a series of delays. The Chief Officer was discharged off sick and a replacement was travelling from Lincolnshire. On reaching Plymouth, the railway shut due to a suicide on the track. The replacement mate required taxi from Plymouth to Falmouth. One of the ship's cranes broken, compromising our ability to handling moorings. The ship's engineers worked flat out yesterday and today and managed to cannibalise parts from other cranes. On sailing we moved into the lee of Falmouth Bay to carry out ship's compass check and then deployed Autosub briefly to check its sensors were working. The sea-state was surprisingly benevolent considering how hard the wind had been blowing for previous 3 days. The skies were still very cloudy. Saturday 24 June [JD175] We made an easy passage with winds BF 3-4. The scientists were finding their sea-legs, with no major problems. An Emergency muster & life boat drill was run at 10:30. We had a discussion about Autosub mission and decide to work the central box at PAP for the first deployment.

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    SHOM cruise aboard the Pourquoi Pas?

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    Assessment of chemical contamination in coastal water masses (Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily canal), using artificial stations of mussels. The MYTILOS1 cruise aimed to utilize the RINBIO network methodology around the western Mediterranean, in the northern part of the NW Basin. Experiments run in the French Mediterranean since 1996 by IFREMER were to be extended to Southern Mediterranean coasts, i.e. Spanish, Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian coasts, as well as the Sicily Canal in Italy, on the basis of a standardized protocol. The data from MYTILOS2 cruise will supplement those obtained in 2004 and 2005 during the RINBIOC1 and MYTILOS1 cruises by including the coasts of North Africa, Southern Spain and the island of Pantelleria. In addition, the results will be used to complement the chemical contamination budget drawn up in the framework of the European Water Framework Directive's implementation. The survey was based on 2 major actions: 1) Artificial mussel stations were placed and recovered along a shoreline between Malaga (Spain) and Sicily (Italy), including Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. 2) Sediment samples in addition to mussels samples were taken upon the partners' request. This falls under the MEDICIS project.

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    The RRS Discovery cruise 304 was conducted from 12 May to 6 June 2005 from and to Santa Cruz (Tenerife). The cruise was completed as part of the NERC founded RAPID programme to monitor the meridional overturning circulation at 26 N. The primary purpose was to service the eastern boundary and Mid-Atlantic Ridge part of the 26 N mooring array which had previously been serviced during the RRS Charles Darwin cruises 170 and 177. 12 moorings were successfully recovered, however two of the shallow eastern boundary moorings failed to release. Intense fishing activity at these sites is likely to be the cause. 12 mooring and four bottom pressure landers were re-deployed. Data from two bottom mounted inverted echosounders was uploaded via acoustic telemetry. A total of 10 CTD casts to calibrate the mooring sensors were carried out and 3 Argo floats (from the UK Met Office) were launched. The moored sensors are CTD loggers for the most part but also bottom pressure sensors, different types of current meters and inverted echosounders are used to determine the strength and structure of the meridional overturning circulation.

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    SHOM cruise aboard the Pourquoi Pas?

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    SHOM cruise aboard the Pourquoi Pas?