Cr. CEE 90. Control of Phytoplankton Dominance. - ref 900911.0004
Oceanographic survey collected in the framework of the following research project: 'Metodos de Produccion de Huevos. Estimacion de la biomasa de especies pelagicas de interes comercial: sardina, anchoa, caballa y jurel (ICTIOEVA)'. This Project is funded by the Instituto Español de Oceanografia and the main scientific objective is to produce an index and a direct estimate of the spawning stock biomass of Sardine (Sardine pilchardus) in the Cantabrian Sea and Bay of Biscay (to 45°N) using the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM). Specific aims:a) To estimate the spawning area distribution of sardine and the daily egg production. b) To collect adults to obtain fecundity estimation c) Distribution and abundance of other commercial species of interest: mackerel, horse mackerel and anchovy.d) To describe the oceanographic and meteorological character of the area of study with the aim of relating environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, currents) with the spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton
Mejorar el conocimiento de la Hidrografia, circulacion costera de la plataforma continental N-NW de la Peninsula Iberica.\nConocimiento de la abundancia y condicion de las larvas de cupleidos.\nRelacion entre condiciones oceanograficas y supervivencia de las larvas
Caracterizacion fisica, biogeoquimica y de produccion planctonica Estudio de los frentes costeros que delimitan los ambientes.
Oceanographic survey collected in the framework of the following research project: ?Metodos de Produccion de Huevos. Estimacion de la biomasa de especies pelagicas de interes comercial: sardina, anchoa, caballa y jurel (ICTIOEVA)?. This Project is funded by the Instituto Espa?ol de Oceanografia and the main scientific objective is to produce an index and a direct estimate of the biomass of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock and the southern and western horse mackerel stocks using the Annual Egg Production Method (AEPM). Specific aims:a) To estimate the spawning area distribution of mackerel and horse mackerel and the daily and total mackerel and horse mackerel egg production. b) To collect adults to obtain mackerel and horse mackerel gonads for atresia and fecundity estimation c) Distribution and abundance of other commercial species of interest: sardine, anchovy, hake, blue whiting.d) To describe the oceanographic and meteorological character of the area of study with the aim of relating environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, currents) with the spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton
Oceanographic survey collected in the framework of the following research project: ?Metodos de Produccion de Huevos. Estimacion de la biomasa de especies pelagicas de interes comercial: sardina, anchoa, caballa y jurel (ICTIOEVA)?. This Project is funded by the Instituto Espa?ol de Oceanografia and the main scientific objective is to produce an index and a direct estimate of the biomass of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock and the southern and western horse mackerel stocks using the Annual Egg Production Method (AEPM). Specific aims:a) To estimate the spawning area distribution of mackerel and horse mackerel and the daily and total mackerel and horse mackerel egg production. b) To collect adults to obtain mackerel and horse mackerel gonads for atresia and fecundity estimation c) Distribution and abundance of other commercial species of interest: sardine, anchovy, hake, blue whiting.d) To describe the oceanographic and meteorological character of the area of study with the aim of relating environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, currents) with the spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton
Caracterizacion fisica, biogeoquimica y de produccion planctonica Estudio de los frentes costeros que delimitan los ambientes.
campaña de arrastre demersal en aguas del Cantábrico y Galicia
Cr. MPH-SARACUS 0488 - ref 303
Cr. Perfiles - ref 305