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228 record(s)


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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Spanish Porcupine bottom trawl survey aims to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance, and biological information of commercial fish in Porcupine bank area (ICES Division VIIb-k). The primary target species are hake, monkfish, white anglerfish and megrim, which abundance indices are estimated by age, with abundance indices also estimated for Nephrops, four-spot megrim and blue whiting. Data collection is also collected for several other demersal fish species and invertebrates.

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    The main objective is the collection of data that allow estimate the abundance, biomass and demographic structure of the species of commercial interest in the regulation area NAFO, until a maximum depth of 1500 m.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.