Estimating the abundance and population structure of the target species of the trawl fishery in the Mediterranean, identified in the MEDITS project (Annex I), studying the biology of exploited communities on the shelf and upper slope of the study area and the impact of fishing on ecosystems.
Estimating the abundance and population structure of the target species of the trawl fishery in the Mediterranean, identified in the MEDITS project (Annex I), studying the biology of exploited communities on the shelf and upper slope of the study area and the impact of fishing on ecosystems.
Acoustic evaluation and mapping of neritic pelagic resources and oceanographic and biological conditions of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz.
Getting the spatial distribution and abundance indices of benthic and demersal fauna of the continental shelf of Galicia and Cantabrian Sea. Hydrographic survey of the neritic zone led to its influence on the distribution of species. Sampling using a box corer to obtain granulometrics indices of sediment.
Study of strategies to reduce discards and unwanted species: selectivity and survival in trawling in Cantabrian-Northwest zone.
1. Calibration and testing transducers noise. 2. To estimate the abundance of the main pelagic fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, mackerel, etc.) by the method of echo integration in the northern Spanish coast and map their range. 3. Determine the main biological characteristics of target fish species: age structure and length, length / weight ratio and maturity stage from sampling biological sardine, anchovy, mackerel, horse mackerel, horse mackerel, chub mackerel, blue whiting and hake. 4. Determine the size structure of all fish species caught. 5. Estimate the TS / length ratio of the target species 6. To estimate the relative abundance and mapped the distribution of sardine and anchovy eggs. 7. Characterization of the hydrological conditions of the survey area, especially thermohaline properties of the waters over the continental shelf. Measurement of vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and fluorescence in stations (CTD Casts) and acquisition of continuous sea surface data (ttemperature, salinity and fluorescence). 8. Study of the relationship of oceanographic and meteorological conditions with distribution and abundance of sardine eggs and adults. 9. Determine the distribution patterns of taxonomic diversity and biomass different size classes of plankton (pico-, phyto- and zooplankton) in the study area. 10. Characterize the horizontal and vertical distribution of plankton. Mapping biomass plankton size classes 11. Plankton biomass estimation, fractional and total. Studying the relationship between ichthyoplankton and plankton. 12. Estimate the natural abundance of N15 in sardine, anchovy, mackerel, and krill and myctophids to determine their trophic position. 13. Mapping the abundance of top predators 14. Map the relative abundance of anthropogenic sea surface microplastic 15. Estimate the strength of recruitment of anchovy and other species in the Cantabrian observed during the JUVENA campaign.
Estimation by acoustical methods stock biomass of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) Spanish Mediterranean.
Estimating the abundance and population structure of the target species of the trawl fishery in the Mediterranean, identified in the MEDITS project (Annex I), studying the biology of exploited communities on the shelf and upper slope of the study area and the impact of fishing on ecosystems.
Get abundance indices of groundfish demersales species. Get the size structure of commercially exploited stocks. Collection of biological material. Prospecting deep zones. Get physical-chemical parameters of water in the study area.
Acoustic fishing campaign for the evaluation of anchovy biomass, biological condition, hydrographic conditions and spatial distribution in the Bay of Biscay