Temperature monthly climatology for the Iberian Peninsula region, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, at 0.2º of horizontal spatial resolution and 33 vertical levels.
Surface temperature and salinity recorded by the thermosalinograph on-board the B/O Naváz in the Rías Baixas and its adjacent continental shelf.
Salinity monthly climatology for the Iberian Peninsula region, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, at 0.2º of horizontal spatial resolution and 33 vertical levels.
Operational configuration of ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) off NorthWest Iberia. In this configuration, two grids are nested during online execution. Data from the coarser (4 km horizontal resolution) 236 x 181 grid force the lateral open boundaries of the finer (~1.3 km) 312 x 167 embedded grid. Outputs at hourly and daily temporal resolution.