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205 record(s)


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    Understanding the role played by the combined physical-biogeochemical dynamics at (sub)-mesoscales in exchanges of matter and energy between coastal and open sea areas. The LATEX strategy is based on selective and combined use of numerical modelling and in situ observations (Lagrangian floats, SF6, shipboard ADCPs, ADCP moorings, satellite images, gliders and coastal radars). The main objective of LATEX is to study the impact of an eddy structure at (sub)mesoscale, which is chronically present in the western part of the Gulf of Lion, in interaction with the North Mediterranean current(NMC)on trends in the distribution of conservative tracers and biogeochemical properties. Thanks to this strategy, LATEX should provide answers to the following questions: - Is this type of structure likely to significantly affect the horizontal transfer of matter between the continental shelf and the NMC? - What are the consequences for biogeochemical cycles of the structure's interaction with the NMC? - How do CO2 concentrations evolve within the eddy throughout its life cycle? - How does this type of (sub)-mesoscale coastal eddy act in structuring of plankton communities and the variability in primary production observed in the study zone? - Are the amounts of matter transferred by (sub)-mesoscale structures significant with respect to that displaced by the general circulation on seasonal and annual scales? The related project is called LATEX (LAgrangian Transport Experiment).

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    This was the fourth and last cruise undertaken as part of the NERC-funded consortium project (NE/C512961/1) entitled ECOMAR - Ecosystem of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Sub-Polar Front and Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone. ECOMAR forms part of the Census of Marine Life MAR-ECO project which is an international study of life in the northern mid-Atlantic Ocean with scientists from 16 nations participating in research of the waters around the mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to the Azores ( Depart: Wednesday, 26 May, St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. Long term moorings were recovered at four super stations at a bottom depth of 2500m equipped with sediment traps, current meters, ADCP and sensor suites, SE - 49°01.92'N, 27°40.82'W, SW - 48°46.80'N, 28°38.43'W, NW - 53°59.33'N, 36°07.39'W and NE 54°00.05'N 34°10.58'W. Video and still images of the sea floor were obtained during 4 lander deployments and 21 ISIS ROV dives. Faunas samples were taken on 17 of these ROV dives, further samples from 13 successful megacorer casts and 4 baited traps. High definition video sea floor surveys were completed of approximately 50,000 m2 of sea floor. Arrive: Vigo, Spain, Saturday 3 July 2010.

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    Retrieving an array of moored current meters recording subtidal circulation on the ocean margins of the Bay of Biscay (Armorican and Aquitaine shelves and slopes). Related hydrological measurements taken. This falls under the ASPEX project.

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    SHOM cruise .

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    Characterizing the variability of hydrological and current measurement features and particulate fluxes in two canyons of Le Planier (station PL1000) and Lacaze-Duthiers (station LD1000) located at the easternmost and westernmost tips of the Gulf of Lion.

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    SHOM cruise

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    The Gibraltar Arc System: Geodynamic Processes in the South Margin

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    Acceptance testing and installation of the IEO 2000 ROV

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    Integration of new technologies in Paleoseismology: Characterizing generic failure of Earthquakes and tsunamis in southern Iberia (EVENT)