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    <p style="text-align:justify">The main scientific objectives of the cruises are threefold:</p> <ul> <li style="text-align: justify;">to asses the large scale circulation in the Western Basin, evaluating the water masses and the fluxes at different key point in the basin (The North Current, The East and West Corsica currents, the Balearic front, Algerian Basin). The final goal was numerical modelling assessment.</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">to identify and follow peculiar mesoscale structures such as surface eddies, modal weddies, submesoscale coherent vortices (SCV) meanders or filaments and explore the signature on the sea surface height (altimetry) and the acoustic impact (sound propagation).</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">to observe and interpret the submesoscale dynamics such ageostrophic stirring, symmetric instabilities, mixed layer instabilities, subduction and convection.</li> </ul> <p style="text-align:justify">The <strong>Protevs2015_leg1&nbsp; </strong>campaign took place from the 8th to 28th of January 2015 on board of the RV <em>Pourquoi Pas?</em> in the north western mediterranean basin. It is focused on physical aspects (hydrology and dynamics). The main objective was the dynamics of the North current from its roots in the Ligurian Sea downstream to the Gulf of Lion. The surveys try to catch not only the meso-scale features but also the submesoscale associated to the the northern current or at least in its vicinity.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p>

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    FWO MINIMOUND Project: Using Cold-water coral mini-mounds as analogue for giant mound growth: assessment of environmental drivers and anthropogenic impact Cold-water corals (CWC) are found along the entire north-eastern Atlantic Margin from Norway to the Gulf of Cadiz. In the Porcupine Seabight, these coral reefs (mainly Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) accumulate into large mounds of up to 250m high (e.g. Challenger Mound), which have been well studied over the past two decades (Roberts et al., 2006). The detailed mechanism of the start-up phase of such large CWC mounds is however not yet fully understood. Therefore, it is essential to study analogues of these stages that are not well recorded in larger mounds. The FWO MINIMOUND project (2013-2016) aims to investigate the initiation, growth and demise of “small” CWC mounds and to determine the role of climatic and hydrocarbon-seepage related processes as well as anthropogenic impact. This high-resolution multidisciplinary study will focus on three “minimound” provinces along the Biscay continental margin: (1) the Explorer and Dangeard Canyons on the Celtic Margin (Fig. 1; Stewart et al., 2013), (2) the Guilvinec Canyon on the Armorican Margin (De Mol et al., 2011) and (3) the Upper Ferrol Canyon on the Cantabrian Margin (Fig. 1). These minimounds are fossil (9.7 ka BP) and occur at relative shallow depth on the interface between the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) and the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Contrastingly, most present-day living CWC reef habitats dwell in the deeper MOW depth range, relying on the density and dynamics of this water mass for their food supply. &#8195; The objectives of the project are threefold: (1) the establishment of a chronostratigraphic framework and the reconstruction of palaeoceanographic changes over the last 15.000 years in order to determine the impact of glacial to interglacial climate change on the ENACW-MOW interface and the CWC habitats (Frank et al., 2011); (2) the minimound province at the Upper Ferrol Canyon shows a close association with hydrocarbon-seepage (pockmarks) which allows to assess the role of hydrocarbon related processes in CWC mound formation; (3) the potential impact of anthropogenic fisheries activities will be investigated. These objectives will be tackled through a coupled geophysical, sedimentological and integrative approach, including the palaeoceanographic and biogeochemical study of sediment cores in cooperation with the BGS (UK), LSCE (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), IFREMER (France), IGME (Spain) and IEO (Spain). This Belgica2015/15 cruise is the second campaign of the project and it aims to sample both “on-mound” as “off-mound” sites by means of a 4.5 m vibrocorer (Supplied by the British Geological Survey, BGS). The target site are located on the upper slopes of the Ferrol Canyon (Cantabrian margin, Spanish EEZ) and the Guilvinec Canyon (Armorican margin, French EEZ) between 200 and 600 m water depth. In each sector, a minimum of 3 days of activities will be scheduled. In case of bad weather on 1 sector, the program will be revised towards the other sector. With respect to the size of these mounds, the coring location of the vibrocorer will be steered by means of am IXSEA USBL GAPS system. During night-time, the seafloor will be visually characterized using a small and light-weight camera dropframe (University of Plymouth).

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    The main objective of the MOOSE-GE cruises is to observe the annual evolution of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea in the context of the climate change and anthropogenic pressure in order to be able to detect and identify long-term environmental trend and anomalies of the marine ecosystem. The annual cruise focuses on moorings maintenance and hydrology, biogeochemistry and biology monitoring of the Northwestern Mediterranean basin. It aims to follow variability of water masses properties (LIW and WMDW) and biogeochemical and biological content related to these water masses.

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    The main objective is the collection of data that allow estimate the abundance, biomass and demographic structure of the species of commercial interest in the regulation area NAFO, until a maximum depth of 1500 m.

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    They focus on the seabed research of Mediterranean sea (Spain ), both indirect and direct. Carry out a survey of the fishing beaches to later elaborate fishing charts. Systematic bathymetric survey of the study areas with 100% coating (Multi-beam echo sounder EM-300). seismic profiles according to the ship's defeat (Topas 710 system). Performance of sound velocity profiles in the water column. Side sweep sonar in selected areas. Sediment sampling (Shipeck dredges - Box corer). Sampling of Rocky Outcrops (Rock Dredge).

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    The main objective is to know the state of the populations of the species objective: their abundance, biomass and demographic structure, and the conditions oceanographic in the Bank. Species objective: Gadus Morhua, Sebastes Marinus, Sebastes Mentella, Sebastes fasciatus, Hippoglossoides Platessoides, Reinhardtius Hippoglossoides, Macrourus berglax and Pandalus borealis.

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    The surveys on NAFO Regulatory Area of Div. 3L (Flemish Pass) were initiated by Spain in 2003. The surveys were carried out by the R/V “Vizconde de Eza” following the same procedures and using the same bottom trawl net type Campelen. The main objectives of this survey time series are: a) to obtain abundance indices of the main exploited species, b) to study the structure and distribution of these demersal species in the area.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.

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    Monthly survey to study thermohaline and biological characterization of water masses in the East-North Atlantic.