Overall objectives in the EU GO project are to assess the promising potential of seismic imaging for physical oceanography, in view of its combination of fine resolution and coverage unmatched by conventional oceanographic measurements. D318 was to provide the means of assessment by obtaining a unique, comprehensive, oceanographic and seismic dataset at the same time and place. Specific objectives for R.R.S. Discovery cruise 318a were to deploy four ADCP moorings, three adjacent temperature-logger moorings and STABLE, in an L-shape array in 750-1000m depth east of Portimao Canyon, carrying out adjacent CTD stations, deploy two OBH moorings, carry out seismic sections using the Ifremer high-frequency air-guns and streamer, accompanied by regular XBT and less frequent XCTD casts. In addition underway data was logged including ship-borne ADCP, surface temperature and salinity, meteorology, gravity and magnetics (to test new NERC magnetometers).
Overall objectives in the EU GO project are to assess the promising potential of seismic imaging for physical oceanography, in view of its combination of fine resolution and coverage unmatched by conventional oceanographic measurements. D318 was to provide the means of assessment by obtaining a unique comprehensive oceanographic and seismic dataset at the same time and place. Specific objectives for R.R.S. Discovery cruise 318b were to (i) recover four ADCP moorings, three adjacent temperature-logger moorings and STABLE, from 750-1000m depth east of Portimao Canyon (ii) perform deep water CTD casts (iii) carry out seismic sections using the NMF supplied Bolt airgun and streamer, accompanied by regular XBT and less frequent XCTD casts, iv) work with MV Poseidon to test novel seismic data acquistion strategies. In addition underway data was logged including ship-borne ADCP, surface temperature and salinity, meteorology, gravity and magnetics (to test new NERC magnetometers).
Observation and modelling of eddy scale geostrophic and ageostro-phic circulation
Conocimiento batimetrico y geof??sico de los caladeros de pesca que se encuentran o puedan ser detectados en aguas espa??olas en el area del Mar de Alboran. En la presente campa??a se finalizo el reconocimiento batimetrico del Mar de Alboran y se comenzo con el analisis del Golfo de Vera.
Huelva- Realizado por la empresa ADARO
Stady of the variability of the oceanographic proceses in the coast of Murcia. Physical and chemical parameters as well as Plankton are in 9 fixed stations.
Study of the variability of the oceanographic proceses in the coast of Murcia. Physical and chemical parameters as well plankton are measured in 9 fixed stations.
Cantamination in Ria de Huelva
Cr VERA ref C2945823.987 ICES created form
Oceanographic research cruise collecting chemical, biological and physical continuos and discrete data measurements of the water colum as part of the "TInto Odiel river ocean study" (toros) program. A major goal of this study is to understand th eimputs of th Tinto an Odiel Rivers, two acidic and trance metal-rich fresh water source inputs, to the continental shelf and Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. The TOROS program is funded in the framework of the European Union Environment and Climate and the European Land Ocean Interacion Studies (ELOISE)program