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    The viewer allows to visualize interactively the zooplankton biomass data obtained monthly in the RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises for those carried out since 2013 at the three Cantabrian transects: Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero). The layout displays a sidebar, where you can select the desired option for a series of variables (station, year, plot type, …) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] ‘Plot’ displays data from one single station (the complete list of the stations and their geographic coordinates are in, and are represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). [2] ‘multipanel’ lays out together in the same figure the individual plots of all the stations, allowing for comparison among them. It allows to select the plot type. [3] ‘Sampling dates’ shows graphically the months, from the starting of the project, with zooplankton biomass data available. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.

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    The estimation of air-sea CO2 fluxes is largely dependent on wind speed through the gas transfer velocity parameterization. This sketch visualizes this estimation by using data obtained on board an opportunity vessel that transported Citröen cars from/to Vigo (Spain) to/from Saint Nazaire (France), from October 2002 to July 2003. You can explore the spatio-temporal variability of the CO2 flux along the route. Moreover, you can examine the differences in the estimation when a different wind speed source is selected or the algorithm employed to perform the estimation is modified. If you like this sketch or you want to learn more, please, visit and cite our published article in Biogeosciences: Otero, P., X. A. Padin, M. Ruiz-Villarreal, L. M. García-García, A. F. Ríos and F. F. Pérez. Net sea–air CO2 flux uncertainties in the Bay of Biscay based on the choice of wind speed products and gas transfer parameterizations. Biogeosciences, 10, 2993-3005, 2013.

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    The viewer allows to visualize interactively the data of chlorophyll-a concentration obtained monthly in the RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises for those carried out since 2013 at the three Cantabrian transects: Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero). The layout displays a sidebar, where you can select the desired option for a series of variables (station, size fraction, year, plot type, …) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] ‘Plot’ displays data from one single station (the complete list of the stations and their geographic coordinates are in, and are represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). [2] ‘multipanel’ lays out together in the same figure the individual plots of all the stations, allowing for comparison among them. It allows to select the plot type. [3] ‘Sampling dates’ shows graphically the months, from the starting of the project, with chlorophyll data available. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.

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    The viewer allows to visualize interactively the zooplankton abundance data obtained monthly in the RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises for those carried out since 2013 at the three Cantabrian transects: Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero). The layout displays a sidebar, where you can select the desired option for a series of variables (station, year, plot type, …) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] ‘Plot’ displays data from one single station (the complete list of the stations and their geographic coordinates are in, and are represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). [2] ‘multipanel’ lays out together in the same figure the individual plots of all the stations, allowing for comparison among them. It allows to select the plot type. [3] ‘Sampling dates’ shows graphically the months, from the starting of the project, with zooplankton abundance data available. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.

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    The viewer allows interactive visualization of CTD data obtained monthly during RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises since 2013), specifically for four physicochemical variables: temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and dissolved oxygen. Unlike other RADIALES viewers, in this case only the data from the Cantabrian transects (Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero) are available. It displays a sidebar panel where you can select the desired option for a series of parameters (station, physicochemical variable, year, plot type, etc.) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] 'Plot' presents data from a single station (the list of all stations and their geographical coordinates can be found at and represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). For each station, it allows selecting i) the simultaneous representation of profiles for the four physicochemical variables in a specific month , or ii) the time series of each variable at different depths. [2] 'Multipanel' shows the twelve monthly profiles of the selected station and variable, allowing the highlighting of profiles from particular years to facilitate interannual comparison. [3] 'Sampling dates' graphically represents the months for which data is available for each variable. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.

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    This sketch visualizes the exposure of the Euroregion Galicia (Spain) - North Portugal coasts to potential oil spills coming from the Finisterre Traffic Separation Scheme. These navigation corridors are used by ~40,000 ships per year, and more than 30% of these vessels transport dangerous substances. Results summarize conditions during 2012 and were obtained by running 8,868 lagrangian simulations. In each simulation 2,345 virtual particles were deployed and followed during the next 96 hours. Particles were transported by sea surface currents obtained from a realistic high resolution ocean model and also dragged by the wind. The four corridors that integrate the traffic scheme and the approaching regions are shown. The number over the corridor is the total probability of reaching the coast during the first, second, third or fourth day after the spill. Circles along the coastline are the probability of arriving that specific region. Setting the mouse pointer over one corridor, you can filter the data to get a much simpler visualization.

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    The viewer allows to visualize interactively the data obtained monthly in the RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises for those carried out since 2013 at the three Cantabrian transects: Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero) of the five nutrients sampled: NO3, NO2, NH4, PO4 and SiO3. The layout displays a sidebar, where you can select the desired option for a series of variables (station, nutrient, year, …) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] ‘Plot’ displays data from one single station (the complete list of the stations and their geographic coordinates are in, and are represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). [2] ‘multipanel’ lays out together in the same figure the individual plots of all the stations, allowing for comparison among them. [3] ‘Sampling dates’ shows graphically the months, from the starting of the project, with data available for each of the nutrients. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.

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    El Visor de información marina muestra información de la naturaleza del fondo, batimetría, límites de reservas, información ambiental, caladeros de pesca, arrecifes artificiales y límites administrativos, (a título informativo y sin validez legal).

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    In 2013, the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) developed a maritime data downstream service ( particularly focused on providing sea surface temperature (SST) at Iberian Atlantic beaches, a parameter that, although basic for the scientific community, it was certainly rather unusual in those weather forecast reports to the wider public. Thus, although the web-service enhances the visualization of SST at more than one thousand beaches, it also provides 3-day forecast of a set of other meteo-ocean variables (air temperature, wind speed and direction, wave height, period and direction, and tides).

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    Cartographic viewer that displays the data of fishing discards collected by scientific observers on board commercial vessels. The units refer to the amount of fish (Kg) that is discarded per hour of fishing or by fishinng trip in the case of fixed gear.