Cartographic survey, obtaining seismic profiles and knowledge of the nature of the fund from high-resolution geophysical techniques (multi-beam and parametric probes) and the use of dredgers.
Estimation by pelagic trawling and acoustic methods of the biomass index and population and biological parameters of anchovy (Palinorus encrasicolus) and (Sardine pilchardus sardine as a secondary objective) to assess the state of the fisheries. In the pelagic trawling, the Daily Egg Production Method (MPDH) is applied as biomass estimation. Study of the influence of the hydrographic variables of the water column (temperature, salinity and chlorophyll).
Obtain abundance indexes of lobster (Palinuros elephas) inside and outside the protected area of the Cala Ratjada Marine Reserve, carry out experimental plankton fisheries in order to obtain philosophical larvae of the different species of lobster present in the study area, and install and maintain lobster post-larval collectors in the coastal area (<25m) and deep (> 60m)
Cartographic survey, obtaining seismic profiles and knowledge of the nature of the background from multi-beam and parametric high resolution geophysical techniques and the use of dredgers.
Acoustic campaign for the estimation of biomass and spatial distribution of the main small pelagic species of the Catalan platform.
Marine geology campaigns.
Obtain the stratified abundance index based on the number and weight of the species of commercial interest in the platform and slope principle of the indicated area. A sample of planktonic fisheries was also carried out to know the ichthioplakton and the areas of laying in the region.
Study and mapping of the Spanish continental shelf.
Cartographic survey, obtaining seismic profiles and knowledge of the nature of the background from high-resolution geosysics techniques and dredgers
study of the characteristics and configuration of the existing fund in the Marine Reserve of the Alboran Sea