The overall objective of the cruise was to perform a systematic geophysical survey. The principal aim is to obtain complete bathymetric sea-floor coverage. There are other geophysical data obtained during the cruise, whose acquisition is compatible with the navigation requirements of the multibeam survey, such asgravity, geomagnetic and ultra-high resolution seismic data (TOPAS system).This project id the result of a cooperation between the Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina (IHM, Hydrographic Institution of the Spanish Navy) and the Real Observatorio de la Armada (ROA, Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy), under the control of the Secretaria General Tecnica del Ministerio de Defensa (SEGENTE, General Technical Secretary of the Spanish Defense Department), whith the collaboration of several other institutions and universities.The cruise started on September 3rd at Santander and finished at La Coruña on September 27th. It was planned in order to cover two bathymetric charts (G7 and G8) to the NW of the Galicia Bank, but the good course of the works allowed to go beyond this first objective and finalize also chart G9, which was only partially covered during ZEE-2003 cruise.
Hydrographic Survey of the Bay of Montevideo
Study of the edge of Spanish Platform on the Canary Islands Basin.
- Exploraciones geofisicas que permitan determinar su constitucion y fisiografia\n- Estudio de procesos fisicos\n- Procesado y tratamiento de datos, para la obtencion de mapas, cartas e informes\n- Estudio de batimetria, geomorfologia, gravimetria, magnetometria y calidades de sedimentos superficiales de las zonas estudiadas
Exclusive Economic Zone
IHM 0171
IHM 0172
IHM 0271
IHM 0168
Hydrograpich survey. Antartctic cruise CTM2009-06256-E CTM2009-08287-E