Estimation of the spawning stock biomass of anchovy in the Gulf of Cadiz by the daily egg production method.
The fertilization of phytoplankton by the Iberian upwelling is responsible for the production of ∼250,000 t year-1 of blue mussels in the Galician Rías. This amount represents 95% of the Spanish and 50% of the European production, respectively. This production is jeopardized every year by species from the genera Dinophysis and Pseudo-nitzschia, responsible for lengthy shellfish harvesting closures due to accumulation of diarrhetic (DSP) and amnesic (ASP) shellfish poisoning toxins, respectively, above regulatory levels. Previous studies in this region and others in Europe indicate that these species frequently aggregate forming “thin layers”. Less than five meters thick and up to several km in horizontal extension, these layers have important implications for the management of molluscan shellfish safety. Despite this, the frequency of occurrence of thin phytoplankton layers in the Galician Rías, and the role of mixing conditions in their formation and persistence remains unknown. This project combines field observations in the Galician Rías, time series analysis, and empirical and numerical modeling with the aim of 1) investigating the role of mixing on resource availability and phytoplankton bloom initiation, maintenance and dissipation, 2) describing the frequency and spatial distribution of thin layers of phytoplankton (TLP), and 3) investigating the mechanisms responsible for the formation of TLP.
Acoustic estimates by echointegration of the strength of the anchovy and sardine recruitment off Portugal and south Galicia Oceanographic (physical -CTD- and biological _bongo nets)characterization of the surveyed area Charting the subsurface microplastic distribution along the surveyed area Charting the relative abundance of apical predator along the surveyed area Charting the subsurface sardine egg distribution along the surveyed area
Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.
Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.
Estimation of the spawning stock biomass of anchovy in the Gulf of Cadiz by the daily egg production method.
Acoustic estimates by echointegration of the strength of the anchovy and sardine recruitment off Portugal and south Galicia Oceanographic (physical -CTD- and biological _bongo nets)characterization of the surveyed area Charting the subsurface microplastic distribution along the surveyed area
Estimation of the spawning stock biomass of anchovy in the Gulf of Cadiz by the daily egg production method.
Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.
Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.