A repeat seasonal hydrographic survey of the Balearic Sea, monitoring the Ibiza and Mallorca Channels.
A repeat seasonal hydrographic survey of the Balearic Sea, monitoring the Ibiza and Mallorca Channels.
The campaign has two objectives: 1. Making a mesh of CTD's in the Ibiza channel and radial RADMED in Mallorca Channel. 2. The launch drifter of the Ibiza channel for the program SOCIB Drifter Facility.
Continuar con la recopilación, iniciada en 2006, a fin de evaluar la necesidad de protección de los montes submarinos situados en el canal de mallorca, saí como de un arrecife coralígeno situado al este del archipiélago de Cabrear ( Fort d´en Moreu ).
1 Evaluar el impacto de la pesca artesanal sobre las comunidades bentonicas en el canal de Menorca.
Campaign for sampling GIFT series in which to analyze physicochemical variables that will: - Monitor thermohaline and biogeochemical characteristics of the water masses converge in the Strait of Gibraltar - Study of the flow of carbon greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide from the Atlantic and Mediterranean and the processes involved in its regulation. - Evaluation of the exchange of CO2, CH4 and N2O ocean-atmosphere.
1.Estimar índices de abundancia de reclutas y juveniles de langosta. 2.Determinar la estructura demográfica y distribución batimétrica de los juveniles. 3.Estimar la abundancia y demografía de la langosta mediante técnicas de video sumergido con cebo. 4.Evaluar el efecto de la ampliación de la reserva marina mediante video sumergido y censos visuales. 5.Obtener muestras de ejemplares recién asentados talla inferior a 15 mm LC (Longitud de Cefalotórax) para estudios de genética de poblaciones y composición isotópica.
The completion of the dredging of the commercial area of the port of Mahon and disposal of these sediments and dredged materials in an area close to the port, a benchmark that area is needed before the completion of the discharge. The MAO DRAGAT project includes activities to be developed for this purpose. The hydrodynamic characterization and sampling of contaminants in the water column and sediment discharge area is one of the objectives of this project. MAHON 0114 The campaign is designed to perform this characterization by a network of hydrographic stations, ADCP Doppler and sampling in the water column and sediments.
Seguimiento de variables oceanográficas (fisico,quimico y biologicas) a lo largo de puntos singulares del litoral mediterraneo español.Busqueda de lagunas de datos(Golfo de Valencia y sur del canal de Ibiza y implementación de nuevos parámetros (PH,CO2 y alcalinidad).
Time series of oceanographic data in the Spanish Western Mediterranean