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    Abundance indices, distribution patterns and faunal assemblages of demersal species in the Porcupine bank, together with the possible driving factors of their distribution. This survey belongs to the research project: "Evaluación de Recursos Demersales por Métodos Directos en el Área ICES". This Project is partly funded by the DCR of the EU and the Science and Innovation Spanish Ministry.The main objectives of the above mentioned project related with this survey time series are: a) to obtain abundance indices of the main exploited species in the Porcupine bank; b) to estimate the strength of yearly recruitments of these species and their distribution in the bank. c) to study the structure and distribution o the demersal and benthic communities in the area.

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    Caracterización termohalina y biogeoquímica en las aguas oceánicas de la región Galicia-Cantábrico en tres transectos estándar perpendiculares a la costa en Finisterre, Ortegal y Cabo Mayor cubriendo la columna de agua hasta unos 5000m. Dichos transectos forman parte de la serie temporal de campañas semestrales iniciada en 2003 que se encuadran en la estrategia de monitorización oceánica asociados a los principios del programa internacional CLIVAR..

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    Abundance indices, distribution patterns and faunal assemblages of demersal species in the northern coast of Spain (Atlantic Galician shelf and Cantabrian sea shelf), together with the possible driving factors of their distribution. This survey belongs to the research project: "Evaluación de Recursos Demersales por Métodos Directos en el Área ICES". This Project is partly funded by the DCR of the EU and the Education and Science Spanish Ministery.The main objectives of the above mentioned project related with this survey time series are: a) to obtain abundance indices of the main exploited species in the study area; b) to estimate the strength of yearly recruitments of these species and their distribution in the area. c) to study the structure and distribution o the demersal and benthic communities in the area.

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    Thermohaline and Biochemical characterization in tree standard transects belonging to Galician-Cantabric Sea waters: Finisterre, Ortegal and Cabo Mayor (Santander), covering the whole water column in every single station.

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    Thermohaline and Biochemical characterization in tree standard transects belonging to Galician-Cantabric Sea waters: Finisterre, Ortegal and Cabo Mayor (Santander), covering the whole water column in every single station.