Cr. EROS2000: Eur. River Oc. Sys. Ref. B2945606.990 ICES created form
Cr FRONTS 90 ref. C2903445.990 ICES created form
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Seasonal variability of the circulation and chemical propert
Oceanographic research cruise collecting chemical, biological and physical continuos and discrete data measurements of the water colum as part of the "TInto Odiel river ocean study" (toros) program. A major goal of this study is to understand th eimputs of th Tinto an Odiel Rivers, two acidic and trance metal-rich fresh water source inputs, to the continental shelf and Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. The TOROS program is funded in the framework of the European Union Environment and Climate and the European Land Ocean Interacion Studies (ELOISE)program
West Mediterranean Continental Shelf Studies in the framework of Spain-USA cooperation projects.
Hidrology and ecosystem evaluation
West Mediterranean Continental Shelf Studies in the framework of Spain-USA cooperation projects.
Estudiar la viabilidad así como optimizar, en su caso, un sistema de observación multidisciplinar en el Mediterráneo español, incluyendo la medida de gases de efecto invernadero
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