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    The viewer allows to visualize interactively the zooplankton abundance data obtained monthly in the RADIALES cruises (called RADCAN or RCAN cruises for those carried out since 2013 at the three Cantabrian transects: Santander, Gijón, and Cudillero). The layout displays a sidebar, where you can select the desired option for a series of variables (station, year, plot type, …) and a main panel where the graphs are displayed. It is organized into four tabs: [1] ‘Plot’ displays data from one single station (the complete list of the stations and their geographic coordinates are in, and are represented on a map in the fourth tab of this viewer). [2] ‘multipanel’ lays out together in the same figure the individual plots of all the stations, allowing for comparison among them. It allows to select the plot type. [3] ‘Sampling dates’ shows graphically the months, from the starting of the project, with zooplankton abundance data available. [4] 'Stations Map' displays the map with the positions of all stations.